Pop into the office between 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM and stay for as long as suits and we will see how many envelopes we can pack!
Think snacks, chats and a chance to meet like minded Greens Volunteers whilst helping create one of the biggest letter hauls we’ve ever done to reach the 2000 people who put their names on our initial petition with the call to action to submit to the supplementary EES.
*Viva Energy has reignited their plan to build a massive gas import terminal in Corio Bay, near Geelong. After the initial Environmental Effects Statement (EES) was rejected by the Planning Minister last year, Viva has released a Supplementary EES for public submissions.
Submissions are open from now until October 24th, so we are calling on the local community to stand up against new coal and gas in Victoria.
Thank you!