Greens demand urgent action on Geelong drug overdose deaths

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Greens demand urgent action on Geelong drug overdose deaths

Yesterday, Greens MP For Western Victoria, Dr. Sarah Mansfield, asked Minister Stitt if the Labor government would consider opening a medically supervised injecting room (MSIR) in Geelong given the high rates of overdose deaths in the region. 

The Coroners Court Report into Victorian Overdose Death 2013 – 2023 identified Geelong as having the highest number of unintentional drug overdose deaths of any regional Victorian area. Another recent report, released by the Penington Institute, found that opioids, like heroin and oxycodone, were the leading contributor to overdose deaths in Geelong over the past decade.

The Victorian Greens have long been calling for additional MSIR facilities. Evidence shows that they are best located close to where there are high rates of injecting drug use, like Geelong, and form an important part of drug harm reduction strategies. 

Quotes attributable to Greens spokesperson for Health Services, Dr Sarah Mansfield, MLC for Western Victoria:

“The tragedy is that the overdose deaths that have occurred in Geelong were entirely preventable.

“Medically supervised injecting rooms save lives.  They not only prevent overdoses by providing immediate treatment, they also link people with addiction support and other social services. 

“With the arrival of potent synthetic opioids like fentanyl and nitazines in Geelong, there is the real risk of a huge escalation in overdose deaths. The need for proven harm reduction measures like MSIRs has never been more urgent.

Quotes attributable to Greens spokesperson for Drug Harm Reduction Aiv Puglielli:

“Why are regional Victorians being denied this lifesaving health care offered in Melbourne’s inner north?

“Synthetic opioids are everywhere. They’re in powders, they’re in pills, they’re injected. We need more injecting rooms to deal with this.

“Labor needs to stop pretending people who inject drugs are invisible and provide them this critical health care.”

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