Parliament wrap-up: September 1, 2023

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Representing our communities in State Parliament

This week, I was proud to speak on a variety of issues that people in our communities care deeply about.

Our vital Murray Darling: Water in the Victorian Murray River has been overallocated, over-extracted and misused for far too long.

Yet last week the Victorian Labor Government refused to participate in a new whole-of-basin deal which would help get real water back into the Murray system.

The millions of people who rely on the Murray for their livelihoods and the ecosystems that depend on it, deserve better, and I’ll continue to be a strong voice on this.

Lara Waste Incinerator: The proposed waste incinerator is set to be built within 1km of residential areas in Lara and will burn 400,000 tonnes of waste per year.

This is despite the fact that studies have shown waste incineration is unsafe, it’s not clean, and it’s definitely not renewable. This week I asked the Government to listen to the Lara community who are overwhelmingly against it.

Medicinal cannabis: Medicinal cannabis is legal in Victoria and should be treated like any other medication in a workplace setting.

Unfortunately, current workplace drug testing in Victoria does not account for the presence of THC in a person where there is no sign of impairment and the employee is prescribed cannabis for a medical reason.

That’s why this week I spoke on behalf of the Greens in support of the Legalise Cannabis Party’s inquiry into drug testing in the workplace (and got to use the words lipophilic and half-life!).

We’ll keep you updated on all these issues in the weeks ahead.

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