Sarah's Story

I’m a GP, a Mum, a Geelong local and now a Greens MP for Western Victoria. I'm passionate about improving community health and wellbeing.

When I was studying medicine, it didn’t take long to realise that a lot of the things that impact people’s health can’t be fixed by a doctor. Access to care is often determined by postcode and income, not need. People are getting sick from preventable causes, due to social and environmental factors. We could be a much healthier community if everyone had access to good health services.

I developed an interest in public health and was fortunate to undertake further studies at the London School of Economics in health policy and financing. I wanted to improve community health and wellbeing, so I became a GP, as well as taking on roles in research and teaching.

The motivation to become politically active came when I was working as a GP at a service for people experiencing homelessness. I could see first-hand the failure of our social and political systems, being lived by people struggling every day.

From 2017-22, I was proud to serve as the first Greens councillor at the City of Greater Geelong. In that role, I grew to appreciate of the power of communities in driving change. By listening to the community and working together, we achieved some great outcomes for people and the environment.

I feel incredibly privileged to now be the Greens State Member for Western Victoria in the Victorian Legislative Council, the first regional Greens MP in Victoria. In 2024 I was elected as the Deputy Leader of the Victorian Greens, which is another great honour. I’m also very lucky to have two fantastic young kids and a supportive partner who I live with here in Geelong.

I’m committed to listening to our community, and taking action together to repair our climate, build affordable housing, and creating a more equal society.

I love Western Victoria and our shared commitment to diversity and fairness. As a local, I want to keep Western Victoria liveable.

Watch my maiden speech to Parliament

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Western Victoria is one of the most desirable places to live in Australia.

We must act urgently to address critical threats to our health and wellbeing in Western Victoria.

I am committed to tackling the climate crisis by replacing coal and gas with 100% renewable energy by 2030, and protecting our precious waterways and oceans for future generations to enjoy.

Since being elected, I’ve been able to stand with the community in Lara fighting a massive, polluting incenerator. I’ve paddled out with coast dwellers to oppose seismic blasting. I’ve met dozens of Traditional Owners and dozens more exceptional people who are campaigning to protect earth and her inhabitants. 

Our region has been left behind, and we need major improvements in affordable housing, public transport, access to reproductive healthcare and dental care and investment in renewables. The Greens will always stand with community for equality, justice and for the planet we all share.

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