Community win: monster seismic blasting proposal withdrawn!

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Community win: monster seismic blasting proposal withdrawn!

One of the largest seismic blasting proposals ever in Australian history has been withdrawn by proponent TGS following immense community pressure.  

The monster seismic blasting proposal off the Victorian and Tasmanian coasts was grossly unpopular from the get-go. TGS repeatedly reduced the size of the blasting area from 75,000 sq km back in 2022, to 45,000 sq km in 2023, to 31,500 sq km in 2024; before finally announcing the project’s end today. 

Quotes attributable to Greens spokesperson for Healthy Oceans, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson: 

“This win belongs to all the people who have rallied hard for years to protect marine ecosystems and avoid irreversible changes to the Earth’s climate.

“This is a historic moment. Community pressure works!! 

“Increasingly people from all walks of life are waking up to the dangers of seismic blasting in our oceans – there’s no plausible excuse for it! 

“This is a siren call to all the fossil fuel companies eyeing off our oceans: your time is up. 

“It’s unforgivable that our government continues to allow big oil and gas corporations to blast our marine environment for more fossil fuels at this time in history. 

“People want their leaders to start taking bold and radical climate action, and today’s news is welcome proof that with enough sustained pressure people power and protest action works.”

Quotes attributable to Acting Leader of the Victorian Greens, Sarah Mansfield: 

“This is a huge win for people power. First Nations and local communities have been fighting to protect Southern Sea country from seismic blasting for years. 

“While Labor and the Liberals continue to support new coal and gas projects in a climate crisis, what this shows is that when people come together to fight for our climate, we can win. 

“We need to put an end to all new oil and gas projects. The community won’t give up the fight for our oceans and our climate, and The Greens will be right there with them.”

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