Inquiry Established Into Leaky, Polluting Gas Wells Off Victoria’s Coast
The Victorian Greens have successfully established a parliamentary inquiry into gas decommissioning that will investigate the hundreds of old rusted oil and gas wells that sit off the coast of Victoria, potentially leaking methane into the atmosphere and gas into the oceans.
The Greens Secure Key AirBnB Reforms to Free Up More Homes for Renters
The Victorian Greens have secured key reforms that will stop property investors from hoarding homes to use as short stay accommodation, and instead make homes available for renters and first home buyers to live in.
The Greens support young Victorians to enshrine the Right to A Safe Climate into law
Today, young people from across Victoria will come to Parliament to attempt to enshrine the ‘right to a safe climate’ in Victoria’s human rights charter. The move is supported by the Victorian Greens who will introduce the legislation.
The Greens secure an Inquiry into food affordability
A Victorian Greens’ motion calling for a parliamentary inquiry into the rising cost of groceries and dodgy supermarket price gouging has passed the Upper House.