Greens demand urgent action on Geelong drug overdose deaths

Yesterday, Greens MP For Western Victoria, Dr. Sarah Mansfield, asked Minister Stitt if the Labor government would consider opening a medically supervised injecting room (MSIR) in Geelong given the high rates of overdose deaths in the region. 

Climate Resilience Inquiry

The Greens have secured an Inquiry into Climate Resilience to consider how we need to prepare for, and mitigate, climate disasters in Victoria. The Inquiry is open for submissions until June 28.

Food Systems in the South West | Panel event

What is the future of food in our changing climate and society? Join us at Common Ground Project as we unpack the existing food systems that produce and distribute our food and learn what possibilities are in store for the future. Contributing to the discussion will be leaders from the food system landscape in the […]

Happy Ride 2 Work Day!

Let’s support more climate-friendly transport in our regions We could be doing so much more in regional cities like Geelong, to make cycling a safe and viable alternative to driving. As someone who regularly bikes to work with my kids, safety is an issue I feel really passionate about and I know my constituents do […]

World Meningitis Day: October 5

Greens call on the Government to make the Meningococcal B vaccine free for infants and teens Today is World Meningitis Day, which is why this week I spoke in Parliament asking the Minister for Health to fully fund the Meningococcal B vaccine for teens and infants. Meningococcal disease is caused by the bacteria Neisseria meningitidis. […]