No one should have to struggle to afford food UPDATE: More than 7,000 people have signed on to push Labor to stop supermarket price gouging. Add your name and help us get to 10,000!  *** Supermarkets are ripping you off and the Victorian Labor Government is doing nothing to stop them.   While everyday Victorians struggle […]


MEDIA RELEASE – 16th November 2023 The Victorian Greens have called on the Victorian Labor Government to urgently address the dental health care deserts across regional Victoria. The Greens say these deserts have created a postcode lottery that sees kids in rural areas without access to dental health care disadvantaged from day one. Many smaller […]

Western Victorian Greens State MP call for extension for public submissions to the Federal Government’s Agriculture & Land Sector’s net zero plan 

MEDIA RELEASE – 13th November 2023 Last week the Federal Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) released a discussion paper on the National Agriculture and Land Sectoral Plan to reach net zero by 2050.  The Plan provides an opportunity to acknowledge that Australia’s agricultural sector is already feeling the effects of climate change, and […]

Struggling regions want action from Victorian Labor on cost of living: report

MEDIA RELEASE – 10th November 2023 A report released by the Victorian Greens has revealed struggling regional communities want state government action on low incomes, better access to healthcare, and affordable food and housing as ways to relieve growing cost-of-living pressures. Energy bills were confirmed as the most significant contributor to cost-of-living pressures for 49 […]

Why I’ll be voting Yes on October 14

An important step towards Truth, Treaty and bringing to life the Uluru statement from the Heart On October 14th, I will be voting yes. By voting yes, we are supporting the simple idea that First Nations people can have a say in decisions that affect them, and that this right can never be taken away. […]

More action needed from Government to prevent homelessness in Western Victoria

MEDIA RELEASE – 21st September 2023 More action needed from Government to prevent homelessness in Western Victoria. The Labor Government’s Housing Statement released yesterday blatantly overlooks Western Victoria’s 2000 plus homeless who are in urgent need of safe, liveable housing. Greens MP for Western Victoria Sarah Mansfield says Labor’s shameless avoidance of committing to public […]

Government used “unreliable” research for Murray Darling policy – Greens call for VAGO investigation

MEDIA RELEASE 7 September 2023 Government used “unreliable” research for Murray Darling policy – Greens call for VAGO investigation. This week, the Murray Darling Basin Authority released a damning report highlighting the Government’s reliance on sub-par research to justify their policy position on water recovery. The in-depth report, produced by the University of Adelaide’s School […]

Lara stands strong against waste incinerator

I first met Janet Rice in 2016 when we headed down the surf coast together speak with environmental campaigners about gas and oil drilling in the Great Australian Bight. I felt so lucky to be beside Janet during those meetings.